Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mas Rachael

Our assignment today is to answer some interview questions, which is easy, but I feel really stupid writing 2 posts all about me. But whatever.

I guess I'll start with my favorites.
Food: Probably Mexican, but I'll eat pretty much anything.
Music: Country, hands down. I have very diverse taste in music though. Rock, rap, oldschool, musical theatre, instrumental. You name it, I probably like it.
Movie: Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Lion King, A Walk To Remember, Anchorman, P.S. I Love You, etc. Romantic comedies are the best.
TV Show: The Office. Bones. Fringe. Anything funny or mysterious.
Place: The country. Like out in the boondocks country. I would trade the city for the country anyday.
Book: Too many to count. I LOVE to read. The Twilight saga, the Uglies series, Harry Potter, To Kill A Mockingbird, 1984, & Slaughterhouse 5 are a few of my favorites.
Hobby: Reading, writing, hanging with friends, music. Normal teenage stuff.
Subject: English has always been my thing, but this year I'm in AP Stat & I really like it. English is still 1st in my book, mainly because I'm good at it. & I love to read & write.

& now for strengths & weaknesses.
I'm a hard worker & I don't turn in crap. I'd like an A in this class.
I'm very good at writing & organization.
I'm OCD & I hate having things I turn in be less than perfect.
I tend to want to do everything myself because I don't trust other people with my grade.

I study for tests in certain classes. I know that's bad, but some classes I don't have to study for, so I don't. I blame Senioritis. I don't slack off though & I'm not stupid. I'm in the top 10% of my class, and you don't get there by doing absolutely nothing. In this class, I'd like to learn the ins and outs of marketing and what the business world is really like - what it takes to make it there. When we pick teams, I think the work should be divided equally and according to the team member's strengths. I'd make a good team member because I won't just sit back and watch everyone else work. I'll do my part & ensure that we get a good grade on the assignments given to us.

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